We take our customers by the

hand and lead them to success :-)

ShamanSpirit, as an advisor, connects US investors with Europe's leading precious metals traders. Our top priority is safe and customer-optimized investments in the most important precious metals in the form of physical bars and diamonds, directly owned by the investor.

The aim is to set up a precious metal depot, combined with diamonds if desired. Customers buy at wholesale price direct from trader. When it comes to flexible product design, we follow the recommendations of top experts. Storage takes place in high-security safes in a duty-free warehouse in the heart of Europe.

Security architecture for your depot

! Immediate ownership of the raw materials passes to you.

! Absolutely secure storage in a high-security vault.

! Purchase only from London Good Delivery Standard certified refiners.

! Control of storage by trustees (6-eyes principle).

! annual Audit report from independent auditors (approved by the Financial Market Authority)

! The transport to you is insured.

! Your holdings are insured against theft.

Why invest in diamonds?

Diamonds are the smallest and most valuable investment in the world and a thousand times rarer than gold. As a limited resource, stocks are constantly declining, similar to gold, silver or oil.

When buying diamonds, it is of great importance to only invest in investment diamonds. Our Diamonds Trader only offers investment diamonds.


There is no prosperity without raw materials

Precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum as well as raw materials such as water, iron, zinc, oil and gas are fundamental to our current prosperity. Almost every branch of industry is dependent on these – finite – input factors. Metals are found in automobiles, electric motors, buildings. The IT industry is a major gold consumer. Silver is used in the production of CDs or batteries, platinum for medical devices, LCD screens or in catalyst technology. And these are just a few examples.